The following are not necessarily the latest books, but provide an excellent introduction to water.
For the state of the water-world, see Fred Pearce (2005), When the Rivers Run Dry. For water and permaculture, see Patrick Whitefield (2004), The Earth Care Manual. For the treatment of sewage, see Peter Harper and Louise Halestrap (1999), Lifting the Lid: An Ecological Approach to Toilet Systems; Nick Grant, Mark Moodie and Chris Weedon (1996), Sewage Solutions: Answering the Call of Nature. For community and water, see Ton Schouten and Patrick Moriarty (2003), Community Water, Community Management. For examples of community action, and links, see Paul Hawken (2007), Blessed Unrest.
Editor’s note: Since David Fleming’s death his former colleague Judith Thornton has herself published a definitive guide to the practicalities of water supply: Judith Thornton (2012), Choosing Ecological Water Supply and Treatment, Centre for Alternative Technology Publications. For a historical perspective on water, she highly recommends Steven Mithen (2012), Thirst: Water and Power in the Ancient World, Weidenfeld & Nicolson.